11 June 2009

Capital Investment | 2005

Ask anyone in the money industry and they will tell you that investments are risk propositions. 

Is it the same then, when you invest in someones life or future?

In some ways, it is. But, this is an investment that you will not think about twice. Life is precious, and you lose nothing when you invest in it because your material investments cannot amount to even half of how much ones life is worth. Considering I was hoping to get a convertible sports car if me and the wife never had a child (and I had the go signal from the wife, too!), I gave it up the moment I bought a pregnancy test kit (which was a pretty cheap alternative to buying a convertible). 

You know, one of the most difficult questions I was asked to consider was: "When worse comes to worst, you will have to choose between the mother and the baby". I paused thinking if what I heard was correct. I looked up. I prayed. And I asked God to do the thinking for me. A few hours later, they never asked me that question. What they did ask me though was: "Where's your camera?".

It was my son's first moment and I had no camera! But considering that I was in the hospital for days waiting for my wife's blood pressure to let up, having been told that the baby was about to come out some 2 months earlier, having been asked to deposit for the hospital bill and being asked to prepare for the worst, I think I can be forgiven for not having a camera handy during my son's delivery.

And so, that was day one. To this day, I'm still paying up for the hospital bill. It was a risk, yes. It was an investment, yes. And it's all worth it. This is not a capital investment, this is an extension of my life. And convertible sports car or not, this is the life that I chose to live.

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