I tried not to think about it much because it was not a pretty sight. But remembering it makes you realize how much you wanted someone so badly that you would have given everything to hold him and take him home.
Jakjak had been in the hospital's Neonatal ICU when he was born back in 2005. The hospital being a little more than 24 km away, and myself having to work, we had done as much as we could save from sleeping at the NICU. From a measly 811 grams at birth he grew into 1.202 kg in a month. He started with 8 cc of breastmilk and climbed to 25 cc. From being fed through a tube directly patched to his stomach, he moved on to being bottle fed. From a skin and bones baby, he suddenly had cheeks!
We were only able to spend an hour or so everyday with him while he was incubated. But just watching him sleep and breathe gave me inexplicable happiness. Whenever he sighed or moved his hands around, it gave me unparalleled joy. You only appreciate the mystery of life once you have given the miracle of life. You will start to notice every single thing and ask questions about life.
We had asked for a child of our own. And we were given one. The start of it all had been a little rough. But love and patience (a whole lot of it) had paid off and we were able to take him home after almost 2 months in Intensive Care. We thank all the nurses and doctors who took care of our son when he was there. You are all God's angels.
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