04 March 2010

Potty Training 101 | 2007

When you get tired of changing diapers and wiping baby buns off your baby, you get the idea that it's time for potty training.

We had this knack for buying books at a book sale. We got pretty good deals on children's books from them and we have found a story book on potty training. Luckily, Jakjak was a story book lover as well. So after a few rounds of story telling, it was time to put it to the test.

We bought Jakjak a potty trainer that we put on the side of our toilet. He started with making 'pee-pee' on it. Lots of it. He usually fills it halfway every morning. However, the 'poo-poo' part took a little longer to sink in to him. He still had his diapers on so it was not a big worry, but every now and then, he would shout: 'Dad! Poo-poo!'. We would then take him upstairs and sit him down on his potty. At times it took him 10 or so minutes sat down on the potty before making any poo-poo, sometimes none at all. But we always praised him every time he did 'big business', and this made him somehow want to be doing it in the potty instead of on his diaper.

It does not happen overnight though. And patience is still the key to effective potty training. Jakjak managed to get a hang of it in several months time. And during those training months, there were moments that he sort of forgets he does not have a diaper and disaster happens (and it happens when we had just changed the sheets, there must be something about 400 thread count sheets). But nevertheless, we encouraged him to train. With encouragement and patience though, you will be the proud parents of a potty trained kid in no time at all.

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