01 March 2010

Half the Fun | 2007

One of the things I thought about the most was how would I make my child happy.

And that was way before we had even planned on having one. You see, when you are at that planning stage, you tend to think a lot about how you would like your child to grow up. You think about how to set yourself up as a good parent. You think about the stuff you want to buy to make your child's life better and well-off. It's a common thought, and one that most often scares would be parents.

But if I did not get over that fear, I would not know what it is like having Jakjak. Looking back now, I realize that parenting is not an exact science. Sure, there is the butterflies and the bees thing, the calendar counting to up the chances of having the gender of your choice, and all those other things that come as advise from those that have already gone through the journey of parenthood (yes, this means your mom and dad). But in all honesty, the hurdle was actually getting over the anxiety of the thought of being a parent, in my case, a father.

Half of the fun (or excitement - your choice of adjective) of becoming a parent is the mystery that comes along with it. The things that you won't know until it has actually happened. The things that make your mind work in overdrive for keeping up with the now and imminent tomorrow. And then there's the part where we act on what is given to us. Because with mystery comes expectations. And if you don't get what you expect, you tend to loom in disappointment. And this is where it becomes a bit dangerous. When we over complicate something that should not go through too much scrutiny, it takes away the mystery and overwrites it with suspense (and not in a good way).

Instead of thinking about things like 'what color would the crib be?' or 'where should I buy his first pair of rompers?', just ask the one question that really matters: 'Am I Ready?'.

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