16 March 2010

Big Brother | 2007

As the weeks went on and we became comfortable with how we needed to raise Jakjak, it had not even occurred to us to give him a brother or a sister. At least not yet. He was a darling to hold and carry around during his baby days when he was still in a crib. But the moment he stepped out and started walking on his own (let alone running and jumping as well), he became a handful.

More so when his cousin Andrae comes to visit. If the house looks like it's been toppled over by a hurricane with Jakjak. When the two of them are together, it's like a disaster movie where your left hanging on for dear life while the Earth collapses in front of your very eyes. On the calm before the storm, these two are like siblings, saying silly things like "I missed you" and "I love you" to each other. Then after a while (5 minutes, tops), it's like a King Kong versus Godzilla battle! Minimum of 3 rounds, I might add.

Hence the decision to put off a second one for later. It's called family planning, if you wanted to be technical and politically correct about it. But it's good. You'll never fully understand your child's needs and your shortcomings in the first year.

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