10 October 2011

Getting Around | 2011

After reading a blog from Leonny Atmaja, I had a thought bubble.

It really has been a long while since we had brought Jakjak around on wheels. Back home in the Philippines, we did not have much of a problem, having been blessed with a car as personal transportation. In Singapore, things took a drastic turn with the abnormally high cost of owning a car (or any form of personal motorized transport for that matter) have hampered our desires to own one.

Surprisingly though, considering myself as a gearhead, I have not actually thought about buying a car here. Ridiculous ownership overhead costs aside, public transport here is pretty efficient (compared to the Philippines - it's actually a god-send). We lugged Jakjak around on a pram when we settled here a few years ago. We've had two since then. We didn't actually expect to wear them down so quickly, which proves how useful it has been to us. You can get to your destination here by cab, which is efficient, but rather expensive. Expensive compared to public trabsport that is. You can get ther by bus as well, if you manage to get your routes right, it's actually quite rewarding. For us though, the MRT is the most efficient of the lot.

Our days with a pram has passed. While Jakjak had been happy sitting in his pram, it had been difficult to ask him to walk on his own (he's absolutely lazy when it comes to walking). That was until he broke his pram. Being his hyper active self, he managed to snag the front wheels of the stroller on the escalator. That was the end of his pram. But because he knew it was his fault (mostly), he had to accept the fact that he now needed to walk (or skip, run, jump, fly, etc.) in order to get anywhere. It took him a while, but now he is comfortable with it. He still complains, and he gets tired (not by walking alone mind you, he never just "walks") going to places. But he has improved. And he is now a joy, not a chore, to bring along everywhere (and anywhere).

We still carry him when he gets too tired. That, or when we really miss him. I mean, he's not going to be this light and small for long. We want to enjoy him as a kid as much as we can. Time waits for no one after all.

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