09 July 2011

Live | 2011

I have once again run too fast for my own pace, the result of which was burning out. I have encountered difficulties in my daily life that should not be directly connected to my family life. It has implications on my life as a whole, no arguing about it. But I have been in realization of this for a while already. I should have already accounted for these life-disrupting moments and have been ready for it. Still, I find myself in the same boat.

What boat? Balance. I have decided long ago to dedicate most of my life for my family. Most, if not all. I would be lying if I wrote about being totally unselfish and giving everything that I have. What I do have left for myself though, is far too little to be of any consequence to my loved ones. It is but a small fragment that I have left for myself to grow and be myself. Most of it are already tucked in and lodged between my dreams and my consciousness.

It is small. But it is there. And I know that I can tap into it for my own journeys, my own self gratification if you would. It's there simply because it is. But it is my family that gives me the motivation to live.

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