10 July 2011

A dream about Photographs | 2011

I bought a DSLR not so long ago. My main reason for getting one, as I told myself, was to capture family moments. True enough, that was my initial goal. It had always been a sideline-hobby of mine to get into photography. I wanted to be artistic, and I seem to have lost my patience in drawing as an art. So I defaulted into photography back when I was able to purchase my first digital camera. And so it had been that way for years until my first DSLR.

There is a big difference between a digital point and shoot and a DSLR. Quality for one thing, and the learning curve the other. The goal for me has always remained the same though, capture memories with Jakjak and Judy. This time, in HD. While the picture quality is staggeringly different from my 5MP point and shoot, the premise should remain the same. Compose and shoot. The burden though, initially, was learning how to use the thing. After learning how to use it, the problem became learning how to leave it behind. I mean, size does matter when you are loitering with kids. And a DSLR is certainly much bigger than what is optimal in typical strolls. That, and fiddling with it from time to time has lessened the time for me to enjoy where we were and what we were doing. I do get good pictures though (most of the time).

I had soon gotten myself in a rut that I have been cramming my photography hobby into time with my family. Most of the time they manage to share space harmoniously together. But that was only after I had managed my time. It took a bit of studying privately to get to know my new toy - private enough that it did not eat into my time with Jakjak and Judy. Soon after, I was able to use the DSLR as a normal camera without it getting in the way (not too much anyway) of our daily lives. I now take it out only when needed. I have also gotten Jakjak to take interest in photography as well, which gives us quality time together while enjoying a shared hobby. 

It becomes cool when you get to manage your time with your family. This is because you still need some time to yourself (believe it or not). Little bits and pieces count, because I give more time (as much as I can) to my family every chance that I get. I do this because kids will not be kids forever. They will grow up (soon enough), and I will have my own time to shoot whatever I want to by then. It's about setting your priorities. New boys' toys always hype me up, but thankfully I manage to get back on my feet in time so as not to get lost in the hype.

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