06 February 2011

Go Ahead, Milk a Cow | 2011

There are times that being crazy is the only way to get through the day. Days upon days of work and school have built up some tension within the household. It's normal for us. And it's actually normal for us to be on the edge of biting each other's ears off. And being normal, that's just how we deal with it. 

Days and nights that should be boring and non-eventful more often than not turn into nothing short of alive. Some blame it on PMS, some blame it on being burnt out of stress. It happens. The more you let stress get into your head however, the more you are likely to implode (or explode, whichever comes first). So as a family, we take time out to just let it all out. Most of the time we just eat the stress out of our system, but that really does not favor the weighing scale battle. So we look for other stuff to do.

This can be anything from going out to shop for toys (for Jakjak, of course), shoes (for Mum) and even more toys (for Dad). Of course, that's not always possible. So this list then includes, swimming in the local sports complex, playing in the park, playing some kinect games and then some. Sometimes it could even be as simple as watching a movie together or building puzzles and making art work. Being crazy does not mean having to spend much money. Spending more than enough time being crazy sometimes solves the problem of stress and boredom at the same time. So go ahead, milk a cow.

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