11 December 2010

Smiles and Frowns | 2010

Sometimes, Jakjak's silliness peaks at the most awkward times. And it brings us endless joy and laughter to see him at his best.

It's not always smiles and giggles though. At his worst, he can become an onslaught of naughty. It brings me endless frustration when he is at his worst because it becomes really hard to control him. And he will taunt you to death until you both get cross. So let's not delve into that part of his personality.

Happiness comes in all forms when it comes to Jakjak. He can make you laugh just by sitting there and making faces. He can even make you laugh just babbling about nothing. He will tell you endless stories with characters weaved from different books and movies with the most interesting plots. He will do stunts. He will make things out of paper and clay (with some crayons and paint thrown in for good measure). He will "wow" you with the new things that he discovers day after day. He will even amaze you when you realize that most of the things he knows, he has learned from mum, dad and the discovery channel. 

It is all of these amazing things that make you negate the simpleton tantrums that he throws at you. But you can't ignore it either. We do our best to educate him about the folly of his ways, but after that (lately, that includes a bit of crying and whining), we go back to being "normal" kids.

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