23 October 2010

Home | 2010

We always tell Jakjak that home is where all of us are together. Dad, Mum and Jakjak. This is because he was born in the Philippines and has grown up there until the age of three, before we moved to Singapore. And as young as he was back then, we made some pretty good memories with families and friends. Sometimes, Jakjak would see something familiar, like a toy or a photograph, and he would just say: "Dad, I have one just like that in the Philippines!". He is always so happy (and sometimes a bit surprised) to see something that he remembers from his younger days. So we brought him back home for a vacation (the problem that comes with a job, is that you rarely get chances like these).

Surprisingly, those locked up memories that he used to blurt out seemed to disappear when we were there. It was like, it was in his subconscious, but it failed to unearth itself during the time he was actually there. Mum felt a bit sad, because those memories seemed so vivid at the back of Jakjak's mind during all that time. So we decided to make as much memories as we could. Ten days is just too short for making memories. Specially since Jakjak had no sense of time whatsoever. He still woke up at 10 in the morning and slept at 12 midnight. He still played as much as he could with whoever would play with him at the time (sadly, Dad had to go to hospitals for check ups and doctor's appointments for his gallbladder).

At the very least, we managed to let him ride a horse, have a picnic and play with his cousins. There were still a lot of things we wanted to do and places we wanted to see. But the weather was not as cooperative as we would have hoped and my trips to the doctor went on longer than what we expected. Still, it was as good as it is. And at the end of the trip, Jakjak, naturally did not want to go back.

It had been a great time off from everything. We managed to lay back and relax for a bit of time. We managed to get Jakjak some time to be with his cousins and grandparents. Memories are all that we made on that trip. But they were memories that we would always cherish. Hopefully, we would be able to do it again in a few months time. Until then, it's back to living our lives in our home (with Dad, Mum and Jakjak, wherever it may take us).

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